Preston - BX5133 P738 G65 1638

5 6 The Lor4s '!'lame is called uponhil pe1p_le. tomelt towards Him : labour to doe this rrn>re and more. T11ere is 2n exercife of Humiliation ·which is done,afteHhis manner, fpoken of, by feeing the :--Lords"kindnelfetothee,andthy injury againft Him, anctcomparing the one with the other. But thou wilt f~w,I would faine doe ir,but 1cannot,-my heart :is..hard, and I cannot get it thus melted~ Therefore I fay, exe.rcife thy felfe tothis~ The reafon mens hearts are thus hard, &c. is , becaufe men are:idle, not willing to recount -Gods mercies to them.- Say · not thy hearfis hard, but thou ~rt iluggilh)this ther~ fore you ought to doe efpecially at this time. ln , Levit. z3. z9· : t~ere was a time fef a part forthe Ifraelites, for the perform.ance .of this duty of ·11~miliation, and it was to bedreircxercifc: that day, the:¥ were thento1ab0urtoafjlil1the!r(oul'u ;·fuch as did not, were to he cui offftom Amqng HiJptopl~. ~nd this confideration 2 that wee are calledby the< name of the Lord, is a mearies to doe it• · · ··ol;jt{l. · · But you will fa_¥; I have-done this:,- ~nd yet my heart is hard frill. . . · ~nfw. It maybe fo in~ced,andyour heart not f~ftned, hut yet this I fay; Fufi forthy comfort, that 1fthou continue 9oing .thi~ , the Lord acc~pteth it 5 'but if thou do!l: it not, thy b~oud fhall be upon thin~ own hea.P -.: we re.quire that thou ihouldfi bnely la:bo.ur t~doe .it, and the,Lord will accept·it, though-thou a'rt not able to fofr.en-thine hear·t : And fecondly, kno'v for thy comfort alfo , that Godwill joyn~ with t~ee, ~ if thc;m labour thus with-thyheart, and fend .~he fph·it of humiliation on·thee,; as t he Difci. / pks