Preston - BX5133 P738 G65 1638

i---~ ....... h-e...._L_o--:'rd""':-s -Na-..-=-m"""i ..... is, ....ra_O...,..ed ...... u-p-on-,J:-)is-p-_e-op-le-• ......__.._..5_5--;-\.' · a man cornmirs a linne, there are twothings tob~ ' coofidered in it ; firfl: in that befinnes~gainfithe , _Law of God,and fo he fees a· obliquity in fin; when he lookes on finne and the ftreight Law 'of God, he fees a deformity io it ; but this alone doth not in that kindly manner ; tbis will · make us vile in our9wneeyes, this will make·us ~o fee a wonderfull deformity in our felves : but now there is anotherthing robe feene in fil)ne, and that is the perfon againfiwhorn w~commit it, and that · is the Lord, and finne fo looked upon comes to have another relation put t1pon ir, notonelyas an: obliquity and deformity, but as an inj ~ry, as a rebfllion, an· unldndn~lfe, recomp_enfing evill for good. The firll: way fin is confideredas an obliquity from a firaight rule ; but in this latter, as againft the Perfon of G 'o », as againft thy hus- _ band. Nowthereforetohurnblethee, doe thus; Goe through all the particulai· dealings of God wit-h 111ee, n:me~1ber all the fpedall kindndfes of the Lord, His keepiRg thee from thy youth, His many deliverances,how manyfpedall kindnelfes He hath. done thee, recount His mercks every·day 1 and- . when thou hall done this, then goe to thy fifmes and fay: Thefeare not only tranfgreffions againfi Gods !height Law, but alfo, they are unkindnelfe-s:and injuries againft His Perfon; and adde tg alfthis the confider~tion of the patience of·;God :' th~obgn ·1 - have pla1d th~ wretch and harlot:asnever'knyHaye d?ne, yet He bath been patient)and is fokind, as He ~·. ·b1ds me yet to ~eturne, and this will caufe thy heart _ . E 4 ---- . - .._JQ -. . .. . . I