Preston - BX5133 P738 G65 1638

• 1 :_.· 58 I' _~_h_e_L_or_d_s N..--=-am_t i_s _ca_ll._,.e_d_u~ _p--..:.o!'_b,__ _ is~p_t~op,__le_. _ rare themfelves, and to doe it every family ·apart. The bufindfe was the fame that you arc to doe e., -very Eifi·day. ·Now fayes God, i£ you fecke mee aright, you mull: have the fpirlt; and fayes Go D, ~ ' - I will doe my-, part, ·rwiUporvre on yoN ·the{pirit of boweUs, ·· for fothe word may bee tranllated. The meaning ofic is this', that when thefpidc of GoD .is thus upon you, you will·bee tenderly affeCted to the Lord, even as a mother toward her child: then faith hee, they fhaU Jooke upon him whom_ they hAve ..piercrd, ·llnd 1 hey {hall mo11r-ne for him, ·ttJ one m'lflrneth for hiJ onely:fonne,a~dbee in 6ittermjfefor-him., that is, you tlull then rem~mberyour rebellions, and the remembrance of them'fhaU be bitter toyour foules, as bitterthings are to yourra!bfo itwas with lojiAh; thereafonwhy his heart me1red, and he wept when hee he~rd the bo3ke of the Law read, was becaufe bee-had the fpiric of bowells, which every one of us iliould have: fo!oh, Now1 haveftene thu, Iahhorre · my (el(e, loh -41· hce was not thus before; hee was ' a holy man, but this was anew worke : for fayes he I have heardof'theehy the htt~ring Df theeare, hut noA1 · my eye foes thee. Hee was enlightned anew, as it were, the fpirit iliined into his heart with a new · light : I have beene inamifi: all this while in com– parifon; but now mine eye harh feene thee, and. I have an experimentall feeling of thee, now I abhor my fdfe. It is a hard thing to abhor a mans felfe . rhus,· which then a man doth, when Gods fpirit with a new light enableth a man to fee Gods love and kiadnelfe ; and his owne unkindoelfe in 'their colours. ' . '"' . If . ' J ... --~---.-··:;-·-. -- -~·