Preston - BX5133 P738 G65 1638

·. ~· -~-:-- __.__..;,_ _ ___;,_~---, ,- 1~e .LorJs Nttme u caOed upon .bi4 people. lf the L~rds Name .be calted uponus, we lhould learne hence tokeepe his ~me.f::,ire, to keepe it pure and unfpotted ; As it was faid of Saint P •.·t~l, ·he wasachgfen v.e/fe/1 to earry Gods Name; and there· fore it bthooves rhem to take heede how it be pol~ lured by chem,orthey give occafion tba~ it be blaf· ,_phcmed ; for the evill committedby you reflects · .upon the Name of the Lord. A fmall thing is a great matter in you: one fly corruprs .a box of oynt· _menr, brtmany flies in a barrell of Pirch <;>r Tarre, are counted norhing; fo many finnes in awkked~ . man,. redound riot fo mt:ch to the ·di{honour ·of Gods Name, as one in theSaints. .When ·aSdn c. doth a thing that is uncomely, he polluteth the ·iNameof the Lord, not that it can be polluted in it · felfe,but ic feemes fo toot hermen. Before menare 1 ~r~generat(', their Jinnes are as blots upona table, . 'before a Picture bedrawne upon ir, which-are nor I regarded Of any;, bUt after it iS drawne, the leafi ' blot is feepe of evtryone : So it is whenmenare but firangersro God; rhe finnes which they com– mit, refled not ro the difgrace of God : br.t when Gods Image is rtnewed in a man, then rhefe{Innes are more raken notice.of,and caufe theNlfmi ofGod :· t~ ge blll{phtmedD(huenemies. _ This ihould teach us, not to be albamed of God and rhe profeffion ofhis Name.: for iliall the Lord not be alh1med0fus, as he fi1ewes he is nor, when , he is ~illing ,to put his Nameuponus; andlhaUwe, be ailiamedofhim 't iris an unreafonable and an un~ . equalltbing for a child ro.beafiumed 'ofhis father, for a wife to beafium.edof her husband) ard fo for I 59 Yje 3· r[e4 1 : : l r