Preston - BX5133 P738 G65 1638

. . - ·6o ·' T'bt ~ords 'f'!am~ is calltd.Mpoit his people. for us to be alhamc:d of che Lord, whofe Name we bc:are. This is the rather to beefpoken of, be.caufe lt is afault very common among, that wee doe not . cake notice of. . · o~jefl. But themofl: will fay, we are not alhamed ofre· ligion, but wee account ·it rather aglory to be ac- _counted Chriltians. : .A.nfw. Give mee leave to examine youbytbefetwo Q!.!..elHons, Firft, -are you n9~ afhamed of the ftriCl:efi waies ofReligiofl '!Thereis acommon courfe of Religion, that you need not be ailiamed of, becaufe all ate for it,.and-commend-it ; hut yet thefe are fome fpeciall acts of Religion that men call: 1hame upon, fuchwas that ail: of - D~tvid, whenhe daunced before the Afke ,. which fetmed abfurd in cJUichAiseyes for a King to doe:; yet he fayd, Iwill !Je ytt-m:ore vile : fome of the wayes of ·God give.a ' more peculiar difiall:e to wicked men , and there is a lhamc call: upon the power ofReligion, by reafon that the multitude goeth anot her way. Now-what is fingular , that fitame is cafi: upon : as in any thing, let the multitude have never fo ill favoured a fa!hion , it is no flume, whereas if a fewothers weare a garment farre more comely , bdtdifferent fropt the faihion, yet it wouJd be a iha'<S them.; fo it is here, there is (hame call: uponho1iheffe and rmcerity, be~aufe the multitude isnot holy' for holymen are like tbe gJeAnit~g~ After the hArvtfl, :or like .thegr4pes afier the vhJt~tge, exceedi»g ftwe 1 and note· ~oug~ to bring Godlinelfe into faihion : Therefore 1f thou wouldfr :know whether thou art alhamed of God ,,