Preston - BX5133 P738 G65 1638

61. \ ,The Lords ~amt is calledupon bis p10ple.._., finnes. · The Scripture is _peremptory ; We.{nult profeife Gods Name a~;alltimes, even then \Vhen- . we {hall doe it with the d3nger ofourlives. /You know that Danief'did fo, in danger of his lift, and · it was not aneedleife matter, but it was in a matter .. that concerned his life. But that youmay do this the more willingly, confider why menareafbamed . , of this profeffion, why ~ becaufe men doe fpeake evill ofyou,but is this a good reafon <t N'o,for they ' doe fo out of their ignorance, as it is in I l'et. 4-· 4· •wherein they thin!e it Jlr~tnge, that yo11 rnnnot with them into the (ame txcej[t of rigt,[peding tviUofyo11. But if they knew the ground of your actions, they would not fpeake evill ofyou. They feeyour adi. ons, but ·yourrulesand principlesthatyougoeby in thefe aetioas,they know not : 2nd therefore they fpeake evill of you. And fhall we be difcouraged for this'? What ifaGeometriciAn thould be drawing of lines and figures, and there fuould come in a · Country man and feein,_g him fhould laugh at him, ·-- would the Geomttrici4n leav~ off his art for his rifion -~ furely no, for hec knowes beelaugh~ at him o~t of his ignoranc_e~ becaufe he knowes not the art and the grounds thereof : and is it not as great a folly for us to be ailiamed ofgodlinelfe, be. caufe men that uueerfiand it not, fpealceevill ofit ! furely it is. And therefore remember DAvids two reafons, when he did that aCt: for which he was re- ] vil~d byhis wife. 1did ~t for theLord, thAt &hofe me: as 1f he fbould have f:ud, the Lord deferved it, he loved and cho{e me, therefore I did ir. SG ~l.lis is thy cafe : The Lord bath chofen t,hee, when bee _ hMh