Preston - BX5133 P738 G65 1638

lbe LorJs.N~&me il called upDn IJu peop/1. 6t hath pafled by many rhoufat1ds ofothers,therc-fore doe it for the Lord. -And anGther r~afon of David; was, it mJkes fof my honou·r in the eyes of ! thofe that are good, l Sam• .6. 24. ·Men thinke it l brings no honour, becaufe they lhall get not any credit by it amoogfi men ·: but know thus much, when men _{hrinke from God, thtn God makes rrue that rule, -them that djhonour me, l will dt}h8· :nour :he th:.t hath made a profeffi .mof godlindfe, I :and ~fterward falls away, God n(:ver fuffers'fuch an one to efcape, but_ he puniilieth him one way or ;other.. Therefore Mo(es e~horteth the pe~ple in :.Deut. 4• 6. to keepe Gods Statutes and to doe •them: for this isyour "'i(edome, And your underff~tnding in the fight 1( T{.ations,. &c. N.ow why Cho~ld you bee backwJrd to beare the t1ume that the world cafieth rponyou ~ d·)th not·Go.dobferve all,Iooke on, and withapprobation~ do~h not God · tell the Church of Epbe(IU, in Revel. l l. I know · thy rporkes,Andthy IAbour-,andthy patienc·e,&c. When a~lY man at any · rime cafi:ech lhame upcnyou for 'religion, icis,a perfecution·wh=ch you will record,. as LNther faid, when any fpake evill againHhim; , this will be accountedo:1my reckoning at the Iall: day, that fpeech is to be conftdered and weighed of us all. I kizow. thjpatienee; therfore benot alhamed, · but be bold in the profeffioa and feareof God, do- . ing thofe things that are gloriotts in the eyesofGod'' and met) that judge ofthings aright. · · "I(rhe Name of ~he Lor~be called t1pon us, this I rft S•' . . lhm~}d comfort us concer.mog ourfdves,-andcon- · ~ · cermng the Church of God ; Jor· where Gods , · .; ·; "' ·