Preston - BX5133 P738 G65 1638

VP'ithout H14tniliafion no mercy. 6; · Therefore} the Loa D faith, as they have di- objefl. vers perfecutions, fo will I have divers ·meanes - of helpe .; and there /haD hee" rahernacle for" jbaJow in the dt~y time f6r the heate, and for tt place if refuge, like the Citties ·sf refuge whither they fled that were p11r{ued hy theAvengers of hloua, ~tnd fDr" .cO'TJert [r1m Ajlorme, . And from r~tine. · TheSaints in a fiorme of perfecution or any calam~ty, are as a man undera lhelter ; whereas all others ~re in the midftoftaefiorme. Therefore beyou affured, the Lor~ will noc ~orfake his owne people ; they areas t~e apfle ofh1s eye: aman may bearc: much, but hee wil not fuffc:r you to touch the appleof · his eye: ; So God will fuffer much~ but he will be avenged on them that wrong his people. Thus m1:1ch for this Uottrine. ••••••••••••••• 2 CHR.ON. 7· 1.4·· If mJ People, that art called hy my 'J:X.ame, doe hnmble tbemfel-ves : WEE are now come to the Conditions up·· pn which merc1 andforgivenejfeare here · · . ."· promifed, whereof the firfi you fee is · Humtli~tion. If m1 People Joe hMmble themfll'lJtl : In the handlingofwhich I will proceed two waies; Firft Negatively,Thatwithout humiliation,and F unleffe . x.