Preston - BX5133 P738 G65 1638

~ . - .TIJ.t.Lor~s ]ilame is called upon his pe()ple. Name is called uponany Church, any Nat ion)auy man, ynumay befure he will defead themj for he is er:1gaged fo tq doe, that Name may not he pollutedj fpr the Lord is .theworfe fpokenof,when · his people fuffer. ,Therefore tho1:1 whofoever thou art_, rich or poore, beconfident, God will defend thee in all thy fufferiogs. ·A man will not fuffer hiswife .tobewronged; forJaith be,fhds mywife, heaccounts himfelfe wronged, when.any injury is done toher: fo God a<;coumeth himfelfe injured, when a.ny wrpng is done to thee on whom hi~ . Name .is called, ·E[ay 4.5,6. Alth(;')ugh ·(faith the Lord)- ·th!}'mayfeeme to be helpeklfe; notwith. fiandiflg this (faith the Lord) feare not, IwiDcreate a.c]~ud hy da1, a11da, flamingr.ftreJ;ynight_: that ·is.,_ though there fie nomeanes, yec lwill workewith– out meah~s. I wiO create them, make themofno. '-. ,thing .: .. I w11l-he both their direction.and -protedi-· on,; for the,cloud ··by day and .th~· fir~ by-night, bath reference to that.. cloud thatwent-•bcfore the Children of I{rael in the wilderndfe, which led. them in the way, andkept them from theheateof the ~unne. F~rup6tusl/the glory jb~t!l6e atlefenc.t; ' that ts, the Churches though they feemenever fo bafe, yet th~yarc glorious ; for therefore they are ,calledg-lorious; and nor only uronoReman or cw9, but upon .a the gury, that isJ ever(}' man in the Chutch : ll;ponaU,;h,glory.!hall beadefence. ~ O~jtll~ But tnen ifthis ohjedioncome, why-: doewe ·-JJOt fee them afflicted ~ doe they not oh enfuffer a :Qor~e)are they not often fcorched with the heate ofreproach ·-: · · , ~----~~~~~- -------------------~~-· _____7 __ h_er_.J . '