Preston - BX5133 P738 G65 1638

VVitbeut Humilia~nno me.rcy. w•yes, nor be obedient to Chrift ·in all 'things in their lives. An unbroken heart is-like an untamed horfe, that will not endure the bridle, and be guid. ed by ic, like an untamed -heifer that·will not goe with the yoake ; :fuch aman that God may·com– mand him .what he wili, but he wi11 doe what he lift : but when the heart is broken and humbled once, then-as Saint PAultremliliog faid, t.Afls 9. he will fay .alfo, Lord whAt wilt'thou hAveme dot ? I will doe what thou wilr,yea, and fufFerwhatthou wilt ; call me to fu1f.:r, for thee. Ifthis queftion ·had beene asked SJint PAul before he was thus hum– bled, .he would have given another anfwer: befot·e God may_bid us doe whathe will, but weas fiub– borne fervants will doe what wee thinke good : we are proud and unbroken, and pride is thecaufe of a!i.-difobedience, and therefore ·-it is faid, higli thoughts muft he c4JI downe, lhdt ex4lt themfilves_ 4gAinjJ the lcnowledgeof God; ere every thought cttnhe brought into the ohedimce of chriff. 2 Cor. 1 o. 5. They exalt themfelves againfr the knowlegge of God and his will; for when his-will is knowne, the , heart yields not .fiiU : when the L 0 R ' D' cCOm· mands anything, as -to tak'eheede ofeviilcompany, to.have aca~e oftheir fpeeches) whilll: men are un. humbled, they are re-ady to expofiulate the m-atter, and i~ ~heend will .doeno~hingat all : but when a man IS humbled>andthe lJigh thoughts cafidowne, then fie brings every thought and affe6i:ion (rhat ex" alted it felfe before) intothe obedience of Chrift. And as_-all difobedience is from pride;and-1lub– bornneife·of the will, fo all obedience is fFomhu. milityz -