Preston - BX5133 P738 G65 1638

PPitbout -Humiliati6n no mercy. mility,; when the he art is humbled, it is madepli- · able to God, Efoy 66. z. I will louk'e 19 him thAt iJ contrite, 01d -trembltth At·my wurds ; they are both ·there joY.ned : 'that .is, when he heareth any. ~ommand.from, me, he is ·afr-aid to breake it, .afraid of . admitting the very occafions of finning : A .man that bath beeae korched with the fire dares not eafily m~ddle with it ~gaine, and the reafon is, it maksa manchoofe the Lord freely for his husband_ and Lord, and f rom thence followes kinde obedience to him. . . He that hath made the ehoyce himfdfe.- will [erve_,elfe not ;-but he will condemne himfelfe, that h~ Chould makeachoyce fo unfuitable to him,; and it alfo teacheth to fee an high price upon Chrifi,and forgiveneife of finnes, as you heare; and that will fet all thY. defiresaworke, and caufe-thee to fefufe no obedience whether active or paffive: for: whatis the reafon men obey their lufts, but be– caufe they prize pleafures, have ~mhigh efteeme of honours, &c. and the fame effeet will the p-rizing of C H • t s 'I' have in thee, -to doe any thing for hitn, .,. fo as thou ilialt not_ count thy life dearc Jorhitn. . ,, '. ·. ' They. wouJdnotdoeall this~onftantly and for Rea[.4 0 .. ever, if they thould come to Chrifi and bee obedi. em for awhile ( as I Dims hearers and Herod was) yet they would returne urito their vomit againe : and not.fiay with him if ·they·were nothurn-bled~ they might come in, asthofe hearers fignifiedby the..fev c0ndand third ground did, .who received the feede · with joy; and as thofe of whom it is faid Chrifl: , would . '