Preston - BX5133 P738 G65 1638

8o -Witl;out .Humili"ation no mercy. of them, as wee finde them expounded in thePr-o- . phets and the whole Scriptures: fo thatby-tbeLaw ' is meant that rectitude wh-ich the-Whole Scripture ·' doth require. Now thereforewhen the Scriptures ;; ~re laid to our hearts,: the reCl:itude ofthe Scriptures ;f is compared with the crookednes ofour hearts and · lives,and therebywe come to fee how that the leaft finne is forbidden, and that the leaR dutie mull: not be omitted, and that we rnufl give An tiC&OHnt for every - idle w~rd, and every luLHull thought and motion in the heart; as Saint PAul when humbled,faw Iuti: tobe Cinne ; and then we come to fee withall the curfe due ' to the leall: : This humbleth aman. ,, And unto this is further required the hdpe of the Spirit joyning therewith, without which the Law doth not humble aman: who is therefore calledTht jpirit of hondt~ge,becau[e he enlightneth a man to fee _his bondage and flavery tofinae and Sathan,and his fubjetl:ion, to Gods wrath ; not that hee makes him fuch,oi brings bondage with it,but difcovers it ;and thi~ not ·onely by fhewing aman his bondage, but hee makes him believe it : For there muft be afaith ' to humble as well as to comfort, whereas wee fet ligkt by thethreatnings, 3n~ believe them not; ' for would the fweare"r fweare 1f bee believed that threatning,theLordwiOnot ho~dhimguiltlejfe tnAt t•-\ keth hu n•me in v11i19e '? When therefore theSpirir enlightenetha man to fee his finnes , and makes him believe the threatnings denounced againll: them , . ·then a man is humbled and not before. And yet though thefe_threatnings are propounded by the Word, andmade dfectuali by the Spirit,