Preston - BX5133 P738 G65 1638

VP'ithout BuJniliatiun'}Jo mercy. 1 8t , Spirit, yet uft1ally fome ~t{ftiili~n puts life into them ; as we fee: is }4ttt1Jzi[es; anp alf0.Q~· PAMl? who was firfi firUGke pff l)is borfe tO .the .ground, and in the1aylo.r who thought verily all his ·pri– foners .gone, ·-for whom his owne life ~tt!l: . have.. beeneanfwerable ; Jo. ~s he would killedhimfelfe·: foinetimes a reall affiicrion, fometimes an imaginary .one, an apprehenfion of Judgement, lhame, poverty, mifery doth God ufe to ;put life in~o the threatnings, an_d they put life into the law 3 r and then the Jaw is brought home to.the.. confci– . ence ; and fo finne is brought to light ; for when men are fenfible of ·miferies_, then they are often brought to enquiry into .~he L11w of God to finde what .fuould bee t-he 'Caufe of it : and when the · Law. 'is brought ih~me to .the coafde_n.ce -~ -·. then · finne is made aJive. _Sain~ Paul (ayes, . Rom4ns 7; Sinne. ttppeares to be~Jinne, _ w~ich before was as colours in.the darke_; and finne being~adealivc, then I dyed) fay's,P.-ulthere, ~hat is, ,he.apprehendecr himfelfeadead man, inwhich is a difcpvery ot Jin ando~r [Hhjelli~ll to.de4th for it; wherein qoconfift thofetw-o parts of ~hisformer humiliatipn,_, which ,makes way for 'the fe.cond~un~ilhition. .·. :-: · Thusymi(ee,. whapqhe.humhtedis. Now we . come to the fecond, w,hat·it is to hu11Jhle :, mans .felfe: which begins, whe!l the ot~er ends·: for then a man lookes out for th~ re~edy, as thofe who ·cryedout whAt fha{lrr' d1e i~ IJefaved, ?~ whi·ch i~ the fecond be obfervedituhofeexamples,; af~ I ter the wounding oftheir.heari:s; they'made~ne~- .1 qtiiry wh4~ t1 doe~~ be[ayed. _For thofe that b~long · G t.o I '·• . t