Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P7 N4 1634

_, • fie heard?And therefore,{aith.he,werefl upon thee oLord, it iJall o»e with thee to deliver withm, any· ar withftw:I fay ,fo it is in all things-els.Tfuerfore learnc to concei~Ie thus-indeed of things:wedoe· ·– not ufuallydoe fo, ifwe did, what is th ereafon ,. that you provide fo muchfor yourchildrcn,.and all your care is to1eaue them,portions ~ - r would'~ Nothin-a askyoubutthisQt.!_efiion; Whether can aU that m_aktsh~pple portion make them happie, or make your fe1ues WlthoatGods.· r. I h fav.our. fo, or any one ehedt cannot make t 1em appy~ without Go..ds fuvour,. without his bleffing. ·Put thecafe,.againe,they had his favour and bldling– withoutthis ·portion; Is-not that enoug-h~ Is it not fufficiem ~·· Wemay run through-many in- . 'frances,butit isenough to touch upon this. And ' therefore thou wouldfi: be ready t6 fay,thuswith-· thy felfe, Ifi haue never fo much,.ifi were in the ~greatefi float ofprorperity, wfiat is this withou't ;him;Ifagaine I were in the lowefi: ebbe,isnot he · .enough~A·nd thei.dore in any buftnetfe fay this 'with thy felfe;All my bufines now is withG"din heaven,and not withmen,nor the Cteature,and. therefore, iflwant comfort at any time,iflcan~. noth~meitfrommen,norfromthe crcatu_re, yet I'know where to fetchit ·;If-lwant wifedome, . counfell, & advice,jfl w4tnt hdpe, I knowwhi– ther to goe,ifthe Cifterne faile, lean goe to the ':fountalne, I can goetohim, thatalone isable to oe 91ylielper in all myneeds, tobe my counfel.. I('dnaUmydot1hts, and tp comfort.meinall my difire1fes. But,therliingIwould pre1feis-this,to fettle your~eyes uponG1dalQne. . , . It ·