Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P7 N4 1634

objeC!.J. Itmay be, you willfay,youhaueaneyeto GgJ, . butyou would haue other helpes too. . .Anfw_. No:·All the tryallisinthis, to truftin him a- ~;n~!~:t · lone: for ifyou did thinke him r..Allfujficient,_ thingswith why fhould you not doe fo f Ifhe had but apart Go~, in our offufficiency,and the creature had anotherpart, tru • you,might joyne helpewithhim; budincehe is .Ail~fujficient, you muft: be content with hima– Jone. Put the cafe, he giue you no pawne, ashee . did nor toA6rah4m, the Text faith, he had not a . foote ofland in all his poffefiion, and yet he be– leeved, for !lethought Godwasfufficient! There- . fore when thouhaft any thing to do,truft in him alone, and thou fhalt then finde it the bell: done : ' ·f.or when we truft in him mofr, then wee pray · befr, and whenwe pray beft, w}! fpeed bell:: and therefore we commonly finde, when·things are in the loweft condition, then we haue peft fuc– .celfe,becaufe, hythat meaneswe are taughtto Weoftfnc.; ' ceeJe bell, · whenthings areloweft. I· InjJancu. ·Ottrufiing God alone. gorohimalone. Togiueyml'aninftanceofthis., .c9niider Davidand Iacou 5I will fhew youbut thefetwo cafes, youfl1allfee it inDavidand{.fc~6~ - . . . .I?1rvid did-not make haft whentheLord pro– mifed him the Kingdome, and fertt s .tmttel to an– noint him, (thoughat one time·he did, when he tied jnto theland ofthe Philijli~Jes yet in the ge– nerall he <;lid not) ifhe had made haft, he would ~aue takepaw, life~ whenhe was put into 'his-haQds,bqt,faythhe,I will fray; theLordsIea– fure, IwiUnot' meddle withhini,wickedn~ffejbaU 1 ofJme from the wicked, W'hanyas_d~e ilfu~ ofit ~ · you ~ I