Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P7 N4 1634

· Ifthou wilt haueprayfe'ofmen, and wilt doeit for that, thou f11alt haue it, but that is all thou Luk.1 s~ 1:.; fhalth?ue. If~manwill haue his portion) as that SpnnehadofhisFather,Luke 15.. rz.itmaybe;. • he will giue thee thy portion. The Sonne that flayed at home, had no portion givenhim ;for,. f~yth his Father I and all that I haue is thine. . ~ut ifa man will haue his portion~ and will not be contentwithGods .Al!-fujficiency,he!hall find-– thatit_is no~befi:for h!m. MyBelovedConfider whetherit be not better to trufl: inGodalone, to Pfal. 14 6 ;;. rell:.onhir;n atone. Confiderthat Pfal. r46.3·4·5 4· S.• 6.] d'J. . h r; ,/'. 6 •. Trur 'not irJ- Prtnces, nor in t ·e./ onnes o; me~,for their breath is in theirnoftrils & theirtho:tghtsper. ifl:,lmt he that tru.fh in the·Godoffaco~• .And he giues two reafons for it, for be m¥tde· 1 e - heaven,ttndearth,andtheSea)and[econdly, He· '' keepesCovenant andmercyfor ever.There are two T r. reafonsin that place,why we !houldrrufl: inGod: WG rra\Oft!' O . h h - 1 . r. b r whywethould -. ne IS, t oug . t eenterpn1e -e· neverw -great cruft-~God •.. & difficult,'thoughthe bleffingthou wouldfi: ob– , taine,be n€ver fo:hard·to eomby; yet confider_, thou haft to-do.ewith hin"l, that made heave;Nznd earth. As if he fhould !ay; Lay thofe two things together, dofr thou- thinke it an eafter thing to I From the po.. wer ofC:Jod, I Rom. i;,,, make heaven andearth,thtn to· bring thatthing to paife ? Ifhe made heaven -and earthjdofrt hou · notrhinkeheisablero doetflar ~ You- will fly, we doubt not of his abilitic:·.Belbvedwedoe:We i1Jew~d rhisatla11gebefore~ we willadde than<r it, inRtnn.4. Y<m.knowAhrah.trmfaith·isevery · wherecommended-, &what was hisJaith':'Sure-. ! ly,.~