Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P7 N4 1634

• / l ' A L L • s VF F I c I E N c y .~ 91 ly,hetrufted inGod,that h~wtts _aUetodo it,he being affitred, andnot wea.~e m fatth, but frrong;He gatteglory to God,& beleevedthat he that promifed was ab!etodoe it. And thoughwe thinke it not, there is the frop that we make in beleeving the prornifes concerningGods power,thatisone rea– [on,hematuheaven a;-;dearth. Th<: fecond is, he keepesftdelitiefor ever. And in another place(as From~e it isinterpreted)hekups C0'1Jtna19t andmercy foretruth of God Marke,f.1yth he,let Princes doetheir.bdl:,al'" b.s,what can theydoe~Theyare but weake men, their breath is in their nofrriis,but Godmdde /Jea- ·.l;J·~·. vmandearth. Secondly, faith he, their thoughts perijh,but Godkeepes Covenant Andmercyfor ever thereisnochangeinhim. l Oh,butyou will fay ,theremay be a changein OGjeol. us;all mydoubt is ofthat, ofkeepingCovenant on my part; thus menare readie to fay. . Beloved, (for this I will l?e very briefe in ) Awfw• . thoi.t needefl: not feare that thy difobedience if Gods Cove· l l . h' 1 c · . ( .- h 'b natistom~ke t 10u )e once wtt · 10 t 1e .... ovenant tf t ou· e usfaitbfullin onewhofe heart is upright with him) fhall caufe hi& Covenant. theLordto depart from thee, he·will not beeunfairhfull to thee, though thou be weake in thy carriageto him: for bekeepuCovenaNt for et:et• .Thatis. His Covenant is to keepetl1y heart in his fearc,thatthing we ,forger;ift'heLordkeepe Covenantwirhus-;hGdothriotfu!pendhis pro- . mife ofhelpe upon our obedience, and leaue·us fo} buth<?promi(ethtogiueus a heatt 'and afpi– rit to fer ne-him; hehatapromifed to-circumci(e ~urhearts 'to loue}iim.,to_plt~Nt hisflare inourhearts K z that