Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P7 N4 1634

'ALL>- S V F fl I C lit N CY. grearneffe and in his almighty power l Remem– berthat in Prl.. 30. whenAgur lookes upon God and himfelfe together.,faythhe, 1ttm worfe then 4 Beaft,Ihaue not the underfhmdingofamaninmu. And why~faithhe,Jhttue not the know /edge ofthe holy one ,he that afoends,andhe thatdefcendr,be that ·ho!dsthe winds in hisjijl ,he thatgathers the waters in his lap M intoagarment ,he that jlretchetb foorth the ends ofthe earth, andthat (ett!es it, who knor/Jes -hjm, fai th hee, who can telt his name or his Jo;mes -namer: The meaning ofthis is; fayth he when I ·confidered what GDd!s, and begin to rhinke how I haue walkedwith him, and how ihort I am of knowing him as I ihould,faith he, I am as a beaft lam confounded and amazed. Now, confider that, and make it your owne cafe,whowalkeswith God,andfeeth him thatafcends & d(fcends;(which bath reference to that vifion that appeared to I .tM cob, TheLardwason thet0ppe ofrhe. Ladder, and the Angels defcended and afcended. That is; All the Creatures both in heaven and earth, are like mdiengers t1 hat goe to and fro at his Godshmd mufihekene lll all events. · Cornmandement)who walks with.Godas know– ing this providence of his, that fets theAngels a.. worke, all the hoafts, all the particulars ofthem in their kinde, to dothis bufineffe, and thatbufi– neffe ~ Who walkes withGod as feeing him fen– ding ameffenger to doe every thing t4atwec fee . done in the World, fending amdfeo,ger.tq-take 1 away fuch a mans life, to-giue another life and hea1th, fending a meffenger to remo.oue ii eh a . difficultiefromone man? Andagain~, ,![opP.ipg _ K4 up