Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P7 N4 1634

94 G 0 D s hauemany friends to backme, & to fitpport me, & defend me,& therfore I am fafe;I hauea great eftatero helpmeagain£1: dangers,tQ_provide for me againftthetime ofdifficulde, and therfore it fllaUgoewellenough with me. Ifay, beitthine ownecafe,orfeefrthou any m·an doing fo,beaf– fured that fuch amaq lhallcertaindywither,cur– fed Jhall that man beethat doth this, that makes God blaneth ,fl1bhis ttrme.A:saine,on theotherftde, fee!l:rhou , meaoes when :a man that is willing to depriue himfelfe of all hetrufbn thefethings, whenitistokeepeagood confcit em. enc.c, when he is put to it~ It is an evidece that he refiethon God, that hetru!l:s in him alone, be af- , fit red, howfoever that· IaHn may b:ee undera· doud,&thoughit may bewinterwith·him for a– li ttlewhile~yethe {hall fpring-again,his light f!Ja!t . breake forth-, and heil1all profper, faith the Text, .. '.rere. 17; I ere . I 7. (That is theplace I hauc reference to)' andhis leafejh·a!!begreene. The other man 5 faitli· the Text there:> though Gooddocome to · him, . ~ndall about him}yet hejha!lnot fee good, he fhaU · : haueno part in it, but he flull fit rely wither foo- · ner orlater~ On the other fide; Though evill-do c_om upon this: man that truth inGod; yet hee !hallnotfeeeviH. Now,conlider(rhat we may draw to·a conclulion)' whether you doe this or no,which you are here exhortedt:Hlto. Butit may_be,a manwillbe ready to l<ly,I hope ldo performethis.Itis wel~ifyoudo:But (I wil T 11 f , £1y but onewordtoyou,)ifyoudo ·this, looke rya o ttu· ., d 11 . . • ., • · ilir:tgGods.Af{ , Upo ~o as·Aufufjictent, 1fyou rec~o· lum your /ujfhitlllit. j poruon;do you walke as one that fees him in his · :.. . _ great:.