Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P7 N4 1634

a. In felfe.deru· . all. · .fatbans fer• v:icctoour i hurt\ wherein theL~rdcommands him to fetalide all other bulines,and to intend his fervice.And that . whichisfaid ofthe Sabbath, may befaid'Ofall · <i>ther Comma.ndements :for he is All-jiJjficient. He bids a man deny himfelft, and take up his crojfe.Ish for him? N.o;.my Beloved~itisforour felues, and rherfore when amandenies himfelfe in hisprofir, inhis credit, when he d.:nies him– felfe in the fatisfying ofhis~ufl:s,all thisis·for his owne profit:as you haue it dcarely fer downein I fay 48.r7.1am the Lordthat teacheth thee ttJproljit thereforehearken to my Commandements . As i f /he fl10uld fay ,It is forthy profit thati .command 'thee, & not for my own :..therefore let.thatcaufe · thee the mor~: witlingJy to do it :that is ofren, re– peated inDeut.the Commandem_ents that I hauegi-.. ven theeforthywea!tli~firthygood.'Belo:ved,allthe :; Comm.andements of Sathan are for our ·hurt, . wee doe him fervice as bond-fbues ferue their .' Mafl:crs~ .notfottheir owne profit, but for their. , Maflcr:s-. But alhhefervice we doe to..Gad.isfor· . ourwealth; for heisAII-fujficient. , Wee giuenoLall: 9fall;IfGudbeAil-[iijficient,th.en when- · l . thing to God h d h ~nourobcdi- youperformeany.t ing., o nott inkethat you . ence.· . giueany thing to the Lord, Jooke for recornpence, (there is that fecrei: Poperyinevery .,, that he thinks when he hath.done a,. nyfpedall fervice,to be rewarded for it ).Indeed " ifthou f110uldll:doGodagoo.d turn,thou mightfi: . loole for fomewhat againe at his hands, bur it is doneto himthat isAil-foffjcient, & how can you· do him agoo.d turne?howcan you giuerohim~ · · . ·- ,J. . ' Marke, ; ' _, . : ~ -