Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P7 N4 1634

--~------------------------------~-------~ ALL- s V F F! I c I EN c Y. Mark,Itistheground which the Apoftle layeth Rom. I I. 34· Whohahgiven tohim, am/itfba//he• H• raDmpence..d to him?He that is capable ofno gift, there can he nothing done to him, to premerit any thing: Fo'r he is All-fofficient there can be no addition made to him, and, faith he, dofi thou . looke for any rec0mpence~What doeft thouels but giue to himofhis owne?Shall aman merit in giving to theLordthe fruits of his owne Vine– yard,the Apples ofhis own Orchard~ When as all the graceswe hauc,are but as frreamesfpring- . ing from that fountaine that he bath put intous, thcrfore when thou haft done thy befi, fay with,. inthy~ felfe unto thine own heart;! am butan-t/n 4 projita6le (ervant, I can looke for nothing for ~11 this; for bee is A l!Julficient and needs it not, I haucdone him no good turne, I haue given him nothing,heisuncapableofmy gift, and therfore I look for no recompence,as by merit fromhim.. Againe, IfGod be t...4 fl-:(ujficient, leros ~eex– horted to makeaCovenantwithhim;for(as I told you before ) thefe words doe hut ·containe the Covenantbetweene !Godand us. Now.. this is the Covenantthat Godwillmakewith you;ifyou will · enter intoC()venantwithhim,that he will beAU– fujficimtto you. Now,that which isexpreffed ,, I V[e, ). G_ods AD.fNjfi. , " 1t»ciefhould pedwadeusro . enter into eo~ veEJamwith him. here generally, I find in other places, divided into thefethree particulars,wherein theAll~fulfici- The ~· pam rncy of G~d confifl:s, as if they were the three of the Cove- · parts..ofthisCovenant. _ nanr. Firft. He is All-fofficient to jufiifie,and to forgiue usour ftnnes. . L z SecondI~