Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P7 N4 1634

ALL. s v ,F F 1 ·c IE N c v. \ the heart is ready to object againfr thefe three, tohaudinnesforgiven, to befanctified; and to haueabu.ndan~e of aU good things, bel0nging to this prefent life: in all thefe he is A ll-[ujjlcient -· to fulfiH all the ddires ofmens hearts. Now, to beginwith the firit. Firft,Ifay,Hc ist.Allfujficienttotake away all our finnes. It may be, when youh~are this point,youwill fay, it is an eafte thing to beleeue it, there is no difficulty in this, the Lordis AU~ fujficienttoforgiue finnes. Surely, whatfoever we fay, or pretend, we find in experience it is exceeding h:u·d. \Vho is able fo fully to beleeue theforgiucneffe ofhis lins,as heought~ Whois able to .doe it when he is put toit~ At the day of death,at th etimeofextremity,atthat time when the confcience IHrres up all his firength, and op– pofeth it fclfe againfi him, when all his finnes areprefemed nntohim in their colours) who is able then to beleeueit? thereforewe had need to finde out the All-fufficicncy o£Godin this:forthe greameffe and exceeding largenelfe ofhis power is {hewed in it,in nothing more then in forgiving oflinnes.Hu[ea r r.g.Seethere how the LfJrdex– prdfethit,Sayth he, !willnot execute the fiercenes ofmy wrath,Iwillnot returneto dejlroy EphrAim; for I amGodandnot man. Marke it,whenwehaue committed any finne againll: G6Jd, wecommonly · thinke thus with our. fdues, ifmy finnes were but as othetmens, ifmy finnes wanted thefe and thefe circumll:ances,I couldbeleeue the forgiue– ne£re ofthem, but fomething, or other, aman L-3 bath · • I GodJAll-fuffi· cicn('y in fot– giuingour finne1. ltishard to bcleeuethe forgiuenefi"e otftMes. Ho!~a 11·9•