Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P7 N4 1634

ue G9J.rforgiue. ndfe withllut co~pilrifon. 0 F G 0 .D s hath ftillto-object. Now faith the~orditis very tru~.If lwere as inan is,it-could·no( be but that I fhould executethe fiercenelfe ofmy wrath upon - Ephntim,who hath provoked me fo exceedingly (for Epliraimwas part ofIfr-ael, and is put for all . Ifrael·;and the Prpp/iet wrote this in the time of IerfJbo-am, the forme oflettfb whenI(rad~'aounded in finnes,and in idolarry)but,f.1iththeLord, – though their finncs be exceedinggreat, yet I am-– able to forgiue them :IorI am God,and not man. Asifh_e fhould fay; looke upon.weakeman, and compareGod·&man together, and fee how£1rre Godexceeds man: fee how much he is fironger then man,being infinite and almighty; fo fayrh he-,his mercyexceedsthemercy ofman;As ifhe fl1ould G1y,If I were not God, it were impoffible I iliould forgiuethe fins of Ephraim, whi<;h /they , haue multiplied againfi me from time to time. SoJikewife, in I fay 55.7: the Lord calsth~m in there, andt1ferh this as an argument·: for,fayth heJwillforgiue,andmultiply my pardons ;fo the Word.' fignifies in the Originall, wh~n· a man rna.kesthis. objedion. Bur it- is more then-any can beleeue, th-at my firines that rhaue thus.. and rhus repeated, that theLordcan fo eafily put them away, and multiply his pa·rdons, as I haue rnulti_plied m.yfinnes~Sayth he, my thoughts ttre not tU your-thottghts,my wayesannot as yottr waies, !Jutas high tfl.r t-h_e·hettven i5 a.boue theearth,fo'aremy th.ought_s a68ue your.thoughts, and mywaJes a6otte– your wayes.!hat is; As aman lookes rq hea:ven, and confiders the-great . ditl:ance betweene the ·.- earth~; •