Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P7 N4 1634

0FGons Bdiefe of · • I · r. h 1 c. h · h · GeJsAU·fuffi· 1 JOy. t1~crea1et our oue;ror ,w ent erets n? cienrytoforfcruple mour hearts ofGods Ioue towards us, lt giueincreafetb makesour1ouemore perfed: to wards-him. le in– lour. creafeth our joyalfo;becaufe when we ha~:~e a ful Spirituallloue eun our car· nail delights. A double fcare. I Kecpesfrorn commingin to God. affurance ofthe forgiuenelfe ofour finnes, that filsthe heartwith joy&peJcein the holyGhofi. Nowfpircuallloueeats om:ofthe heartall car– nalldeiights,aii ftnfulllufis,& allinordinatloue unto the creature. And folikewife; fpiriruall joy takes away the vigor ofall carnall joy,and finfull deligbt:So,the more you fee this All-fofficiencie .ofGod towardsyou in loue, themQreyouarea– ble to beleeue ir, and themoreit kils fin in you, the more it fanctifies you; & the mo're itdrawes you toGod. Therforethisisto becon'fi'dered,to heipusagainlhhis objection,rhatthereis a d5tz– ble feare; the oneis. that which keepes us from comming to Gqd: The other is a fcare that keeps us fi·om goingout fi·omGod: We are very apt to exceed in the firfi feare, and to come iliortin thefecond. Now, thefeare thatkeepes us frol11 comming,in toGod,isa feare that heis not ready· to forgiuc, that he is not LAlt-fofji.cient, that he ·hath not power enough ofmercy to fof:giue our finnes,and to healeour infirmities ;this makes a man timorous and fearefuli; as aman isfearefull to come neere aI udge, to come neere onethat is terrible:Now tlHfmorethisfeareis taken away, the neererwe come, theneerer we draw inafiu, ranee offaith tohlm. ~ On theoth~r fide ;there isafeare that keeps us ~m~~ h outfr.ornhim ; fi·omgoingoutfromGod;andthati-s t emore we '