Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P7 N4 1634

A L L • s V 1' F I c I E N c y. .117 webeleeue this Allfiifficiency) the more we beleeue that happineffe is in him; the more we beleeuethc richesofhis mercy,.andthe abundance ofhis goodneffc, the more we feare to frcp out from him,to hauc onr hearfsefrranged from him to haue our hearts fctloofc. No_\", the more we canoeleeuethis All·flJjficiency, themore it takes . I away the firfl: feare, and increafeth the fecond, it takes away the feare that keepes us from cornmingin to God, a,nd itincreafeth the feare that t keepes us from going out from God. So much , • !hall ferue forthis firf1, theAll-ji1ficiency ofGod;' in fotgiving finne. · The fecond part ofthe Covenant is his All-fof- . 2 ; jfciency:in--healingour finn~s,or infanClifying us; Godt .AO·fuffi· as you haue it inPfol. ro,3. forgiues a/lour cim:yinfancflnnes, andhettlesallot1r infrmities. This belon- ~!~~~~;·. 3• ~ geth alfo to his i..A!l-fujficiency. This is a nece!fary poynt tobcleeue; It ferues likewi(e tO· bring us into the Lord': fora man·is readie to, makethis.objection, when he lookes uponGods .wayes,the waycs.;Ofrighteoufnes, and then;upon . the frrength of_ his lufl:s, he is ready to fay with·· himfelfe: how lliall I Beabletoleade a holy life, asloughttodbe~This isthe anfwertoit: GQdis Note• . AU-f'itfficimt. Hnhatis able to hid the light fhin ·out ofdarkenetfe, faith the Apofi:le,,he is able to , k.i~1dle a light in thy dJrl{e heart, where there is-. .not a jot ofgoodnes,though thy heart be never.– fbaverfe, heisable tochangethatheartofthine,_ 1 and therefore fay not I fhall never be able to doe · J \ it :forhe is able to takeaway all that reluctancy. . · . For ·