Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P7 N4 1634

.........., . . ($ ·Evill deGres :are to be pur. g~d,andnot latisfied•. . ' WhenGod · adsfieth eviU .qefires, a . token ofhis, wrath, .. · Simil~, Bottlemia,thatdifea[ewherein a_man eats much, thatis called C~tnimu appetitus, &-likewife in the d.topfie,the one excelliuely eats; and ·rhe other exceffiuelydrinke~and the ruleofPhyficians is, , opus htt!Je:ntpurgatione,not impletione.,fuchaman hath need ofpu.rging and emptying, and nor of filling; fo I may fay ofall thefe, fuchmen haue need ofpur.ging and emptying, which is to be defired in this cafe :,that wherein God ihewes his All._fojficiencynow, is not infi.1pplying thy de– fects, in adding that which thoudelir.eft, butin purging the heart,and raking awaythofedeftres: . that is the way to heale thee. Therefore confider... r ferioufly what that is that thou defirefr,ifit bean in ordinate defire,ifithe a worke offancy,know that thou can.ftnotlooke fonhis Afl.Jutficiency ofGod to(atisfiethis,btltto healcit. You lhalfee .Ecclef 5. I o.Hethat lovethJilver,/hal not 6efotif ji~dwithJilver-,·:.andhe that lovethriches, .jha!l6e I withQttt thlfiuitthereof. ·· You fee what the L.ord_ hathf~tdowneconcerningthis cafe: now aman mayfeekeforac-0mpetency,butwhenhecomes once to riches, that hefeekesforthem, theLord faith;fu:chaman fhaU not be fatisfied;or,ifhebe, . it fhall bein wrath ·: for it is .in wrath given to fuch·aman.It is the defrruttion of.a dropfieman tohauemufhdrinkgivenhim,: orro giuea man much :meat thatis iickof the difeafe:-we fpakeof . before. And the-refore, faithhe, he fhailno.the fat~sfied, ·or,_ ifhebe, ·it fhall be in jndgement: Such are thefe defires,and rherfore examine thy fdfe., whetherthydeftres be not filchas proceed - from ·.; J ••••