Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P7 N4 1634

. .. . ALL -s V)'··Ffc I EN c v. 119 --------~------~--,~~~~- ' f>t"om fancy,fuch aspr<?ceednot from the.h~~lt~; bnttheweakenes oft~~ foule. Therfore It t.sfatd ·. in I T'im. 6.ThatgoJlinij{eisgrcatgainewithcll1'. x·Tim.f>·6, tcntment. Howdoth godline1fe giue contentment~ Afie-r that mannerthat Phyfick gi.ues fa. Simile. tisfaction. Ad'rop.fie man after he is brou·ght' irl•. to health,· yo.u. know,he is contented with Ietfe drink,for nowheis inhealth goGiHnes orings .· the fouletoagood temper, it takesawaythedi· fiemper)the lufHull ht1mors, that were there Be. fore,and brings-him imo a rig~t;. ir'gitle~ · h'·thecontent tliat beforeh·e wanretf.· ~ ' · A·gain;: another ·objecrion is.; IfGod-' be Allobjc-§f. fofficient for ·thefe outward thmgs,·. why am I: .thus cro!fed~whydoe I fufferth~fe ·afflictions ·?' 1·u why are theynot removed•fi:om n1e?J···. ' · Tothis lanfwer briefly: ·· Thoumaift be deceiJ.n(w~ ved in them, that which thou makefi .a:ccountis Thatis n0t '· fogreat an evil! to thee, .itmaybe for thy great aflwayghood . or us,t at good, as we fee I er 42. that whol_eChapter, the· we defire,n~r Captaine there, and the reftofthe·peop1e-,rhcy- t?atalwaye. k d ·· d' ·.r. .v.tll,thatw rec one It an excee mg gl' mh-ery, .a very wouldbe· greataffiictionrocontinue inlerufa!cm~they had .' fn~edfrom · agreat defire to go downe intoEgypt-, but.the' ;Iere.-.~ · Lordr'ells them;theywerevery runchdeceiued: ·· f orthis mifery ihallbe for yourgood, ·[aii:h' h~, . but ifyouwillneeds godowninto·Egjpt;when ~ you think tohaueabundanceofailthings there, , you fhall meete with the Sword~ ' andwith Fa:..'- r~ine,andwithth~Peftilen"Ce~~nd with vtter de- .. firlilction-.SoJfay,inthis ·cafe, we.areoftentimes · j deceived, wethinkthattobegood.fei:us which · . is