Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P7 N4 1634

A L L-s V1' F I c I E Nc i. \ :Butlaftly, famewiqf:1y,. ifthe Lord beAllfttjficient,& Imuft befubj-edto,his '!il,why is-it not his wiiJ to put'me into a higher· condition?· why bath he given me but fuch a· meafure Cif ·gifts,but fuch a-meaneplace;but (uch a~ q_uantity ofhealth,ofwealth, ofunderfianding ~Amans heart wilt goe furthe'r,ifthere be fuch riches in God,fuchanAfl:fujficiency in him, why is it not better withme? why am:! not in a higher con-- Objcfl. dition~ · To this I anfwer:Firfr:,That he that entretn into· A c~~~~n Covenant.withGod, he fhould be conte-nt with fl1ould be eo· thelowefl: place in all the family, & beglad that tentwith a h · 1· I d r. ~.;. d' ''l meanplacein eis Wlt 1m t 1e oor~; as we1ee tt1e Pro tgau Godshonfe. did_;Andfo the ApolllePattl; !'am the leaf! ofall theSAints,&he was contenttohetheleafi:.A man thathath bin trudy humbled;andbr:oughthome to God,t11at hath taftedand_(eene how gracious tlie Lord is, that bath had experience ofhis own fin, and of Gods goodneffe,. hewiH be content with· the leafl: meafure, ifhe b.e put into the rowell:: ·place,ifhe he made thdeall: ofallSaints-,he \V ill not exalt- himfelfe aboue that meafure, and that place that theLordhathJllotted him. But befides this, Confider, fecondly,further with thyfelfe, that ifthou haue a lower place, or conditio, in this·or that thing,yct it may be thou hall: a higher condition in fomewhat elfe, and ·Jmow thi,s, that Godgiues no manall thirrgs:, but bath mingled ~s comforts, he bath difpenfed 'them divcrily, as we fee in I that cafe between Hannah and.Peninnah; Hannahhad the loue 2. Thofe rhatar~ mean infome things may excell ino. thcrsi