Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P7 N4 1634

O .F Goos is not. C~rtainly,the Lo;d is All-flt/ficient,he wil withiholch1o g.ood thing, but it 1s notalwayes ; ... '·. ·1 · good to haue fuch ·an atllidi6 removed, perhaps .it were better for thee to beare i r, it were better '' ..:. ~ Wewerehee. '· tct want eom• ·_ forts,thenen· joythemWith• out our Fa. then goad will. for the-eo lyeunder it, then that it fl10uld b~ re– moved: wedpe in this cafe many times with the LiJrd, a~d~~ (hildrcn@f the Prophets dealt with Elijha,theywould needs go to feeke tNe body of Eliah;Elijhaforbad them,bnt frill they wereim– portunate:; faith he, if you will needs go, go; bucthey I9.fhheir labour, they had better haue taken his counfell at the fi rll:; And [o in this cafe, many times when the Lord .wouldhaue us to do fuch a thing,and to becontent with the want of fitcha(;ornfort,to becontem to [utfer fi1ch ade~ feet in ourelbtc,inour bodies, .in our bufzne!Te, we are frill importunate with him, fometimes he hearkens to us, hefuffers the thing to be do:1e, but we were as good to want it.I w~uld ask thee inthis~a[e.,wouldll:thou hane it without thy Fathers good will>.Jfthou haueit,it will do thee no - ' · ' good: the bell: way is this, to confider with thy felfe,thar .heisAll-fojficient :though this afflicti– on [{'erne to be exceeding bitter, yet-it is acupof thy Fa~hersproviding, it is that which the Lord ithat loues thee, hath ordained, it is that which the Lordthat wants norhing,who is able enough tC? takeit fro_m thee, and to fupply it, itis tliat which he harh feen meet to difpence to thee:ther– f{;> not.forwant oflhfficiency in him, but-it is better f0rthee to fitfferthe want of this com– fort,or to lye underthis crolfeor atHiCl:ion. - But - .. ,.... e. -- i ~ • J • • · - ;tpS 0 .(