Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P7 N4 1634

• ALL-SVFFICIENCY. G E N E s l s 17· I . 1 am 9 0 Cl) eAU-jujfir;ient. ~~~~~W"oU L-now where we reft; We proceede to that which remaines, that we may finiih the 'poynt at this time.Thereremaine but thefe ~~~ two D~ductions from this,; that: GoD is lAll-fujficient. - ~ Deductions. / Firfl: )·This ihould leade us-to a further know– ledge of the . infi1fficiencie of the Creature,.. ( That we will firfl: doe, and after it we will-, adde but a tryall to all that we haue faid,. to fee whetherwe be indeede perfwade-d ofthat All-.. . .fofficiencie that is inGodand ofthat vanitie, ~nd emptineffe that is in the: Creature; And this · i . will be our-bufineffe at this time.) IfGodbe Thein(uffici.' ~llfujficient find that cxdl]ftuely, as· I iliewed' encie ofthe 1:.. c h h ffi . Crea.ture pro· ;vCiOTe, t en ,t . ere_is an .emptine e, a .vanttie,: nd• · md -