Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P7 N4 1634

!_. -----~ ---- f and indigence in the Creatdre, rhere is nothing I in it:and to makethisgood to you; Confider, r~ 'Firfl:,tharthe C·reature is made by fomething ttis made by elfe wir!)omit.It is cerraine,no Creature is able . another. to make it felfe: forrhat which makes another, mull: be before another;ifa creature could make The endand perfection of lhe Creature withoutit relfc. Note. it felfe, it mufl: be before it felfe, and therefQre all things are made byGodby this {111-fo.fficieh God. Now then, if that which makes the Crea:– ture be fom_ething withoutitfelfe, then the end ofthe Creature mull: be fome thing alfo with. out itfelfe: for it is the maker that is the efficientdmfe of all things, and in ail thi,ngs that propounds an end toit felfe, and the end of e– very thing, Y<?Uknow, is tbc perfection of the thing; [o that hence we gather, that all the per– fection ofthe Creatureiswithoutit felfe; for if the end be the perfection, and the end towhich every Creature is carried, is without it fc.>;lfe, it muff: needs be, that,it hath no perfection nor excellencywithin it felfe: hence it is, that every creatureis bound to doefomething for another, the inanimate &unreafonable creature for man, andmanforGod;becaufeallaremade for a fur– therend. TheAlmightie Godhimfelfe, thewli– Jftfficient God, that bath no efficient caufe,and,by confequenr, no end without himfelfe, heemay doe all fvrhimfelfe, and for his owne fake, and his ownglory; ifhe will difpence with thecteature, and doe good or -ill to the creat'ure, and , makehimfelf~·theendofallthat ihe doth~ I fay; : he·may.weJfil0€ir: fot.hehath ho ·higher end; ' 1. · but ....