Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P7 N4 1634

il A L L - s V F F I c .1 E N c y. I 39 'hath nothing Qfit fdfe;asin things that 2 Simile. aremade hot, fomethings are more hot, & fome things lelfehot, it is an argument they haue not hornesin rhemfelues, bi1trhere is fomething els , that is perfetHy hot: for that which hath but a . p~ut, it prefuppofeth that there is fome thing els that i~ the whole, ofwhich that is but the part: · Ifyor1looke upcm all the goodneffe_,excellency, · and beautie in the Creatures, you fee fome crea, tures haue it more,& fome leffe, which is an argument that there isfomething el!e without the Crcaturethathath afea ofperfedjo·n, that is full ofgoodneffe,full ofexc.eHency, as the Sunne is fi11l oflight, and as the Sea is full ofwater, and this is not within, but without the Creature. Now the Creature bein 0 a thus imperfect in it Ifthegoo! felfe,it hath fomthing communicated to it from that God day to day: for-if there be a continual] neede, there is adailyfupply that it rnufi haue,&ifthat f.1yle:>or be not_ fo good asit needs,the Creature languifheth. This is fo in,every kind: ifit be in matteroflife,ifmeate,ordrinke,or Phyficke, or ayre bewanting,the creature dies for want <;>fit: for it hat hit not in it felfe,itis c6municared frbm communi.. catcs to tbe crcltare flile, . the creature peri1heth. , another.And fo likewife,ifit beco.ntentment, if irberefref11ing, ifitbejoy, without which no . ~oCr~1ture , C . bl 1. 'f' b . 'f d. lt11es w1cbout reaturetsa , eto me, 1 tt e wanrmg, 1 Go joy. withhould his hand,thattherc is not an influence into it,the creatnrelanguii11eth;~ccording to the , proportion ofthat defect.:ifit be in matters that belongto eternalllife; iftheLordwith-hold his hand,ifhe flmt up his hand, they perii11 eterN 2 nal~y.