Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P7 N4 1634

.140' OF Gons nally.And fo we may fay ofall things elfe. So that this is the condition of every creature, itis.exceedingemptie; 1\jan himfelfe is emprie, and fo all other-creatures befides are, thereis no happines to b_e found in them, th~reis no fatif– faetion, thereis no coptentment to the foule of amal).If I fhould go through the particulars, R . h· f ·you would finde it [o. If you 'aske, where this " es 0 tVYo · h · b .c d Wh h · · h forts. appmesis to e roun ~ et er mne es; or 1 inmatter of.ell:ate~- Surely, it is not there: for ' Naturall; riches are but oftwo-forts, ,either they are natuArtifi~all\ . ra11 riches,,_dtinke, and dothes; or els they are artifidall riches, things that con- ' fifi in exchange-, that are invented-by Art, to-be themeafure ofthem for commutation; it can- - not confift )in the naturall, for what ferue they to, but to -maintaine thebody~ · and what cloth thebodyferuefor,butforthefou1e~ Andif this were all, what ih0uld become ofthe principal! part ofman, that which is indeed the man him– felfe'-: Befides, it cannot confifl:in credit, in efti– mation,in honour, forthatis in the power of a– nother, and is -notina mans owne power, and the happinelfeand bleffedneife-ofanyi:bing, the COntentment which confifl:s in the p0wer of a. norher,"and that in the power of the C'reature:o ·Honorof ·, woforts. I ~Jllpty glory . it (;annot 1p.ake a man h'lppie, jt can giue. Httle cont~nrmem to him.. · . Befides; As we faid ofriches> fo'we m-ay fay . ofhonour, andglory, it is either emptia glory, . as the Sc.ripture oftencals it-~That is,g!ory that is gathered .from vaine -things, as apparell, or houfes, - -- ... ,