Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P7 N4 1634

THE G 0 N TENTs. Sinceritie, orperfee!nejfe, fot fort hhy firie expre(- (t.ens. 2·I 9 VS E. · · 7oexamine whethereweb'eper(ee!,erwo. 235" Sixprorzerties ofaperfect heart. 236 Sixejfetts ofJinceritie,orperfeEinejfe. 2 8 I DOCT.6. God · enters int1Covenant withallthofo tluet are faithfull. · 3 I 7 A three-folddifference beif;vcewetbe Covenant o wtJrkes,andofgrace. 318 Sixdifferences hetweene the oldandNew Tefltt- ,»tnt. A 326 V SE. I. Shewingthegoodneffiof God, in entringintoCovmantwithtls. · 330 2. To labour for af!iJr4nceofforgivene/[e. 3?3 '. ~. Shewing tbttt (}iritNAf[ things Are better then temporaU. . . · 4· To knowofwkat ground we lo;ke for folvtttio1J., 364 5'· Things intheCovenant. I~ The CfJvenant it(elfe. 36'8 2. The c~»dition ofit, namely,.FAith) 4·rettfows !V.byitis(u. 37I 3· TheconftrnMtionofit in4:things. 35 I 4· Thepartsoft~ecove.nant,whichare3• 357 5. TheohjeElion againftit. 382 Howtokn~'Tl?whethtr wee be in the Covenant~ threewayes. 388 I. By faith. . ibid 2 . IfwebcinChrift, llndhavehis!Jirit. 392 · 3· Wayes