Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P7 N4 1634

THE CoN1ENTs. · 3 .Wayes toknowwhether we hauethe fpirit. 1. By thllt 11-vhichgoesbefere,nAmely,thef}irit of bondage. · ibid z.By the things whichaccopanie, wkicbare 3. 394 3.By thuon[equcntsofthe(}irit ,which are6. 417 The third wav te know whether we he in the Covenant,byour owffe kn·owledge. -'1-2 6 Two properties offaving knowledge"" ibid · VSE. ro labour ferfaving kf.Jow!edge. 444 When thecove1Mntis broken. 458 Two rules to know whetherweebtZve broken the Covenant. VS E. 46o Te comfortottrfelvesjn thepromifes oftheCovenant. · 467 I. Thepromi(esofjuflificatie». 4 68.' 2. offimtlijication. 473 · 3· Theprornifosofthethings of this liJe. 476 In/lancesofapplyingthepromifos. 478 ·Dijfcrcnce,betwixt the wicked andgodly in the fame tryall. · 483 DOCT.7~ It is ahardthing to he perfwllded of Gods All · fhfficiencie. · 4· 88 . REASONS. I. God is onely wifl, andtherefore onely a!Jle to . per[wade. 489 2. Godonely kniJ'Wes the(everaUtnrning~ ofthe ~e.zrt. . . 490 3• Godonelyc~tnamendtheht4rt. 49,1 VSE. ' Shewingwhy onemantmjleth God:.whentJnothir ilothn1t~ ~ 493 • It{ ?'Jt Aww4.=-~:;;:;......,._~,-·..,_;.-..;_..-.,..,._~WT - . . . ..