Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P7 N4 1634

--1 0 F G 0 D s defects, he feeth many things out oforder,many things inhisown foule, many things in his own Family, many things in the Common-wealth, many things in the Church, many things in the courfe ofnature, bma11amans wifedome will not remedieit;now when a man fees·iiJ, and is 3 Becaufethe things known giue not con· tentmc:nr. 06jctl. Anfw. I 0 ftbe vanitie offolly. ltrunssman tomifchiefe vnkaowne. vnableto helpe, in filCh a cafe, ~zyrh he, he that increafeth wifidome,increafeth griefe. Befides, · the things themfelues that are known, cannot giue any filling,any contentment tothefoule o aman: certainly,the knowledge ofthem cannot do it; forthe knowledge cannot gJ beyond the thing, there is more in the thing then in the l<nowledgeofit.Butthere'is a vanitie,and acurfe Iyes vponall thecreatures,and therefore,he that increafeth wifdome,takes much paines,and bath little for his labour, it cofis him much paines, much wearineffein reading and fearching, and when he bath doneall this,as thereis avanitie in thecreature~ which is known; fo there is in the knowledge it{elfe. But, you wi11fay, on the other fide, there is fomethingrhen in folly ;ifaman be ignorant, if a man know not that which awifeman feet h. No; Thereisamadndfeinthat, thereis no happinelfeorcontentmentthere: forfitch aman multiplies griefe, butitis ofanother kinde: for evills come vpo.n him, and he cannot fee how to preventthem,they lyevponbim,and undoehim beforeheisa-ware,he is fitUlfgray-hayres,and Jmowes it not, asit isfaydofEphraim. Thefe. are the fruits offolly,heisprecipitate,and runsm~o ' Inlf-