Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P7 N4 1634

A L L • s Vpp I c .I E N c _Y. mifchiefe he 61sinto quick-fands,and]}ath not,, difcerne it: So~e that .increafeth f~llr._, on the other fide, ltkewtfe, fietncrea-feth,gnefe. .. This, faithSal~mon, I'haue foundout, theref?re it is·not infolly, nor in·wifedome,Igttuemyfelfi ta!mow wifedome,andmadn~f!e, and foolijbntf/(~ !.know alf.o, that this is vanitie and vexation of fpirit. That is,both wifedome and folly. Folly, becaufe it is madndTe, .andwifedam-e, hecaufe it incre:afeth griefe. .. , Now for the oth~r,forthematterofhis efhue I will bevery briefeinit, you fhall finde there, that he prom~s avanitie in that, by an induction, going through all the particulars almofi: that the fonnes ofmen enjoy under the funne. And fi_dl: he begins with I;aughter and Iollitie, that which commonly every man feekes after, faith hee, I . thought I wouldendevour my felfe tofeeifthere were any contentment t() befotmd in that, but it is ~ notthere,{aythhe,IfoidofLa~tghterthou art mild, ttndof!oy,what uthis that thou doeft?Thefe tliree things he faith concerning Iollitie, concernina thatcarnallmirth wherewith menrefrefhthem~ felues. Firft;faythhe,r fiiideifa madrieffe: bccaufe it fets amana;.worke upon trifles, when he bath greater thingsin hand, madnes,youknow;is hu.:: mor~ns, ex~lting ~nd rei.?ycing in vaine things:, an~ , fntend~ng of.1dle thmgs, and letting goe thmgs tOOdl!lgtoourprofit,asa mad 'tnancares for nothing belonging ~o his · h~alt~, . ?r , his I • w.ealth:, .but beftowes h1mfelfe 1n p1ekmg .. of :. _ , flowers, 3 0 fthe nnitie ofomward things. Laughter~ I ' Icis madnes. Aneffetlof madne1fe..