Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P7 N4 1634

. . . Thornesin them, there is a ve-xation offpirit in them. 'Fourthly,faythhe,I found theygaue meno ., 4 reftndtherday nor night;Thatis;Ailthewhile ·RelHcff'ecare. I was converfant in them, I was fi1ll ofcare, and trouble, and thoughts; whereas thofe that are vacant from fuch things, are at reft, they haue reftinthe night,andin the day, but I haue none-;' As ifhe !hould fay, he will be occupied in all things ofthis namre,he fhall finde a refi:lefnes in his foule. Ftfrly, fayth he, I found that I had my labour Sore ~avell. for my travell; this fore travel! I had, and that was all thatI had. As ifhe fhould fay; I fouud nocomforttoanfwerit, I found no fruit frqm Outw:lrd things yeeld uncertaine comforts,but certaine trou– ble. them, I found certaine labour, but uncertaine ·refrefhments from them: This I found, that they coftme much trouble, and paines, ·but when I came to injoy th~ fruit ofthem, to rcceiue com– fortfrom them, then they fay led me, ,then they deceived me. Moreover, fayth he, I found no happinelfe in them, no refr: for I was weaiy of my fdfe, and oftpy life, and ofall my labours, that I had wrought under the Sunne :for how could he findethat thei·e, which was notthere~ forifGedhad everfowne any happineifein the · creature, hemight haue reaped it from the crea- · .. ture, but in all thefe things itwas never fowne: Godh:ubnoL the Creaturmaygiueasmuch as is init butto fowedcomfort . . ' · h in the creature gme more 1S unpoffibk. And therefore, fatth e ' and therefore I foughtdilige11tly, to feeif there were fucha cannotreape thing there.. but I fouriditnot. :itthere. J Again~ ..