Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P7 N4 1634

• A L L • sV I! F I c I E N c y~: 111 'my lnagnificence. After this, ro get great fiore Store !fler– ·otfervants·greatpoffefiion ofS-heep-e and Beeues vanes. ·.&to get agreat retinue, to liuein~neh pompe.. s ·Aflterthis, Itbought all plealingthmgs;I.made Paradifes, ie. plealant Or· ·myfclfeParadifes; thatis, Orcbari:r,~nd· _vi~e~ chards. yards, a,nd ~ardens Likewife, I f~ughtS~ngrng 6 menana fingmgwo.wen. All thefe thmgs, f..11th he) ~~~ing meu, ·1fought for. And thisisthe ver..dict hegiues.up~ IRall th:fe he onall this,.this I found: · . . found; · Firfi,tliat indoing this, J!tooke llold. offo!lie ' Poll;. ~though my wifdom~, in fome meafure, refi:rai. ;ned me,yet Ttooke 'hold offolly; That is thena:. ture of thefe things, when aman· is coverfant with them,.they depriuehimofwifedome, they· .leade him,on tofolly ;thatis, they draw aman onto fenfibleandoutward things, to corporall things, theyabfira&and with-drawhis minde fromGod,and fromwifedome,and from fp.irituall things; this I found, fayth he, that the more .1had to doewi~h them, the more mywife~ome forfo?ke me,.the more Itoo.keholdoffolly, the . mo~e1t grewuponme, the worfe I was·bymedllng with them,and·bybeing converfant with' diem., ' Secondly; Saythhe, I found an emptineffein . all ;l found thememptieCifrernes,Jlookedfor. ... . 2 lJ1 contentment in them, .but I found none. . .Emptmt e. Thirdly; notfoonely, but I found a· vexation ~ ~ : offpirit, for that which is -faid ·of Riches, that Vexation. they areThornes, (they are fuch Thornesasdoe not onlychoa'k~ thegood {~ed, but theypricke and gall us) fott maybe fa1d ofthefe, they haue · Thornes . ' . . , r w .u ~ 4 ¥PG .... - , ' ¥£ 44 . 4 . '·~~ ! ( t .. •'fS"".. ~ ' ,