Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P7 N4 1634

G.' o · n ·s hewill proue; or,.put caf~ I could know whathe ; wouldproue,. whoknoweswhathis fonne may (prone~ : So that all this eftatethat lhaue gotten, The creatures -it iliall;not ftay with them-; .it m·ay be:for this is 2bideonthe h f d. bl ffi k . h h Centerwherc· t e patureo Go s -e mgs:;(mar eIt)t at t ey Godhathfet abidenot but vporrthat Cemer whereGod ·hath them. · fet them·.; ifthey come to a man ·that is wicked ; I inhis-fight,they are vpon -a Cemer~ .they are-ina . placewhere they will nGterefi; .. theywill not a– bide; fire ifit beout-ofitsp-lace,w:tter;ifit be out · ofitsplace,it is~!Hl wrefi:ling,(though for a time it may be there) till it .returnetoits owne · ~a~~~:~:i~ ·) place·.;S'o·itis withaUth0fe outward-.bleffiogs; noflong with ' ~~ i~ true, .eviltmen:they haue them,-andperhaps evi11men! · their heiresm~yhaue them-, hut, ifthey be not rightinGods. fight, thefe things will ·roulefrom them-, they will not be atreft, as itwere, .they-: ~: will not beefl:ablifhed there, hutthey-willgo to , theit proper.Center. _This he expreiferh in the lafl: Verfe; This is a'Vttnitie (fayth he) thAt aman mu{fgmher,andhettpt·vp, togiue vntohimthat is ' gpod!Jifure..God,this is alfo vanitie.-So that, if he hadknowne what a -one his Sonne ·would 'haue_ proved; _yet he khew not·what his other fonne wouldhaueproved;and that a-11 his efiateHibuld · abidewith him~ .Now, inallthis, yer:, f1iyth.·he, . two things I haue obferve,d.-And,B·dtived;what .fuall I fay more~ Wha:tcan I fay more than Sa- . flomon fayd in.this poynt,to teachvs thevanitie, . i · . i and .theempnndfe ofthe Creature; yet wemull: - h.ecmnfi giUe, nottakefrom the creature more then we iliould e reature ft . . d . "- _ h h rsdue~ ._ · we mu gme. tts ue to ' lt, yet, 1ayt · e; two . things