Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P7 N4 1634

, / ALL- s V F F I c I EN c Y. -thingshaue I found, ·One is, that wiftdo'!Ze uhet– ·'ter the f) folly;Asifhe 1bouldfay;Looke·vpon the whole Univerfe,and fee the varietie of the Crea– tures vndertht Sunne.., both the '.Creatures and th'e workes ofthe Creatures, this I finde, that wifedomeis befi: of all ;though wifedome be a • vanitie, though itbe vaine, becaufe it cannot helpe vs to true happi'nes, it fa!s fhort there, yet, fayrh he, itis the bell: thing vn'der the Sunne, .auhe ligh-t is better then darknejfe, and the •fight better then blindneffe :for, fayth he) wlfedome ·reachethaman t0 direCl: his way,itguides am1m, · when another man knowes not how togo to his j ou~neyes end : Wifedome teacheth aman how to.avoyde mifchiefe,, when a man that is in ~heda:·ke, H:um,Pleth VIJ?nit, and cannot ~e -~t; That ts the reafon he gmes. And yet, fayth He, trhere is avanitieinit;fayth he,ifyouloo·ke vppn thewifefiman, and themofrfooWb, the fame e– vent befals them, the fame fl clmeffe, the fame troubles, and vexation, the fame death, as dyes · theone,fodyes the other;._ That is; for the out– ' ward appearance of!their condition there is no difference j Againe, there i~ a forgetfulneffe of : -both, botharefweptaway, both palfe, and are blowne over,'and they are even alike, the wi(e– man as wdl as the foole; But, fayth he, there is this difference, Wifedome is the beft of all vaine things vnder the Sunne. The (ccond thing, that hehathfound, is, that to enjoy them, to take the comfort, the profit, the benefit, and refrefhmenr~ thatnuy be had Oz from Two things SAlomonac... knowledgeth ·~ intheCrca. . ture. I· Thatw!fe. 1 domeisbct• ter thenfolly. Itdirecba cnans way. Both wife and foolUhdie. I . Totakecom. fort inGods blellings, het• · terthento heape vp fliU•. ·