Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P7 N4 1634

~----------~------------~------~------ · 1 A~ L ... s:vF F re rE Nc v. __ !I_S7_ t --------------------~~--------- ) .-and fee not' that they:haue eares and heal:e not. ! So, Ifay,when aman \vifl fo.enjo.y thefe things, \ that he can 'find contentment in them' that=ne can terminate his- comfor~in them;1erhim know this,that iris an argument that he is madelike to ·them thatthe-curfe ofGodis.come¥pon:him~ · · . ·Or elfe~ it may be, :becaufe.thou hafrnot fttm- .Haue~otfall med vpthy accounts,thouhall: notlooked backe expericnceof vp~n them, asSa!omondid;rhou:haft not yet run cbem. through the courfe ofthem,ifthou·hadfr fullex– !pericnceofthem, andoftheend of theni, as he had, thou wouldfl: finde themlvanitie, andvexa- ·tiDnoff}irit. _So much for the firfr, the emptines .and vanitieofrhe Creature. . . · I I fay this_,ifGodbeAli-fufficient, idhould"lead vsvnto a further knowledge ofthe·C-reaturc, & -folikewifeir iliould leade vs to a further know– ledgeofAlmightyGod-: that is, to feeacontrary -fulneffe in him; -I nmll: runne ~riefly through D ed1t~iom. ll There is aful· neffe in God. , , "this. Labour to fee him in hisgreatndfe; Iabout ' to fee him in all his Attributes, to fee_ him in h~~ vnchangeableneffe, to fee -him in hisercrriitie,.in his power, in his"providence. . You fuallfee in Pfal.roz.24.what vfe thePfalmift therenukes Pfal.xo~.:f.. - ofrhe Attributes '·ofGod :1(aydomY. God,takeme notarvay inthemidjlofmy dayes,thJyearesendure · fromgenerlttion togeneration,thotthafl heforetimu laidthefo~~tndation ofthe Ea,-th, 'tlnd the Heaven! are theworkcofthlr hand~theyfha!lperijh, htt:t thors ,fha!t endure,even they (bat! all waxe olde as a Gar_ ment. The meaning is this, when aman hath ·proceede~ ~0 this, that he fees the vartirie of the 0 3 ~rea-