Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P7 N4 1634

Similt. GodJ-Al/-ft~ff"~a titnde prove.d . byhisp.royi.. . ence. D S Creatures, he lookes vponthem all, as they that will all weare and wax old as a Garment. AGar~ mentthat is newat the firll:, with ·longwearing, you know> will be fpent, and will breake into .boles,and at length be fit for nothing, but to be ca(l:away.So,faythhe,fhallthe ·whole body of .the Creatures be. Now,whenwe confider this, . tha.t it is a·mans owne cafe,and every Creatures, let aman helpe hirnfelfe with this, that God is e- · ternall,and remainesfor ever ;and therefore, if amancangetto beingraftedinto him, to dwell with him,thatwill helpehim out of that weak- . . neff'e,andmutabilitie, and changeableneffe, that is in the Creature,;and therefore inPfal.gc .faith. he,Lordthon art our habitationfromgeneration to' generation. As ifhe fuould fay; ,When a nian dwcls withGod,he bath afafe houfe,a caftle,that ' when generations come and go, and times over- : ourheads,when there isachangeofal things,yet ~ ~eis a.RPcke;he is.aCafUe-,heis.aHa6itation,there ts no-change in him.So that,whe--'1 you fin-d thefe defect-sin the Creature, goe home to him, and Iabourto fee·his i·mmmabilitie)& etetnitie. And·' fo,.likewife, when thonfeefl: thyinabilitie to do, . any thing,wnenthoufeelhhat weakenesih the.. Creature,!.-thatitis notable tobring any enter- · prizetopaffe, then looke v.ponhis providence, & his almighty·power 3 in thathe cloth all th_ings thatbelongto hitn,inguidihgthe Creatur:e. _ - My Beloved,theferiousfettingofour felu{csto confidenhe providence ofGod~ and his almigh– tiepower, willdifcoverto.vshis All-fofjiciencie.. mort: