Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P7 N4 1634

·'· 3" Theconftan. cieofthingsr·· OF· G -oo-s : - / . the Creatures,ineverything,in alithe fenfes, in theSunwith the ayre; in ,the eye with the light and thecolours; with the tranfparem n:t~dium. Thefettingofonethingto another fhewes that there is an An that doth ,ir, _whichis the providence ofGod. _ Befides; theconlbncy ofthings; we fee, they g9e their courfe. · T:hofethin~s that come by,ac"' ddent, that come by chance, ,and not ~yprovi– dence, they fall out.uncerrainely,,now one w51y, and then-another, but, we fay, atl rhe workesof nat.m:egoe in a.certaioe confb nr courfe. 4 . And,)afily; Looke butvpona houfe,or a. fa . _-Theneceilltie - milie; ifrhereb€ not a providence,it will quick– . ofonegdodv~r · ly be dilfolved; there is-not a.Family:t_hut it willnouran 1f· b r. d - c. • - d c P¥er9fthing~ _e1Q; an .rhere1ore, ther~ Is a nee .Ol- govern- · ''; mentalfo m the great Famtly of the world : and, - ifthere bea government, it mufi: needs be by ' him: for bymani~cannotbe! governed: for ,the P!efervation-ofevery thing is ·in the vnitie ofit,. _andtherefore, you fee,any thing that is divided, Divillort · ~hatis tiT€ diffolution ofit,,,as when the foule is ~~;i~~.dllfpr divi<Jedfromthe body,and when thebody isdi: .vided.fromit(elfe; So,:like,w:ife, in aFamily, or: inaCommon-wealth, when itis divided, l.ooke - · .how farreicgoesfromvnit'ie, fo neereit c0mes Note..- - toperifhing,~nd the<morepeace and vnitie, the mor:efafetie. Now~iftherewerenotonegnider . ofall thefe,ifth-endl1quldbemanygni~ers, ther-.. would be different llream's, t.hcr·w~uld he divers _ welLheads;and ifthere .wexe div~rsprificiples of · things,tbatlhouldfwerue, ~his way,there would , · be '