Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P7 N4 1634

AL L • sv F F 1-c 1 E N c·v. IS9 ~ ~orethen any thingbefides~ Inhriefe~ confider I this (to perfwadeyou a little ofthe neceffitie of it,that you may be fully convinced of it, that e-:- Gods provi· very particular, and every common thing mufi: dence proved~ needs beguided by him, and dired:ed by him5 Bytlt:Crca– Iwould aske but this quefl:ion) Firft,are riot all tion. made by him r: You will grant that, that every Creature euen the fmallefr, are from him, there is noentitie but from him : Certainly,then there is an end ofit: for he made nothing but for fome ·end 3 and,ifthere be an end ot it, h~ mult guide it, and leade it to the end, orherwiili".he fl1ould leauerhe buildingimperfed-,otherwifehe £hould : but begin aworke, and leaue itin the middle, o– therwifethe Creature fl1ould be lofl:,and perifh, and that through adefault ofhis. But there cannot be faid to be any default, any want ofgoodneffein him, in the great builder of things, and therefore-it mull: ne~ds be, that he guides every Creature underthe Sunne, even thefmallefr of the C reatures,he guids and directs themto tbeir· ends. Providence is nothing elfe, but to guide, Providence governe, and direet every Creatur~ to their fe- whit. verall ends,and bufinelfes, to which he hath ap-. pointed them. · · · Befides,how isitthatyoufeethings fitted one i to another as they are?Isit nottheprovidence of Byt~efut~ble God':'Whenyori feet~e wheeJs ofaWatch fitted :~:e::,r;~~~gs · onetoanother,when you fee the fheath fitted to ther. - thefword,youfay,thisisdoneby fome Art,this Simile. isnotbyaccident.Evenfoit is in natu,re,you fee. a fitting ofonething to another, in the body, in 04 the