Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P7 N4 1634

AL L-S VFFIC IENCY. " there be fuch a mutabilitie, an infl:abilitie in the Creature, looke vpon his immutabilitie, and his eternity, and labourtobepartakers ofit• .When yoqfee fuch a.ninfl:ahilitie in the creature to bring its cnterprizes to paffe, labour to fee his almighty providence,and tobeperfwaded of it, to think wirh thy felfe there is not the 1eaftthing without this providence, there is not the 1eafr Creature that makes amotion,this way,or that way,but as itis guided and directed by him. I would willingly adde one word concerning thetryall,now we haue f:1yd fo n'luch ofthe All– fulficiencieof God, and ofthe emptineffe of the Creature;Allthequefiionis now, how farre we practice this. Let every man examine his owoe · heart,anda~ke himfelfethefequefrions. · Firfr, ifaman beleeue that Allfujficiencie that is in God, why doth he terminate his affections in the Creature?Ifthere be nothing in the Crea– ture,but emptindfe,why doyouloue theCrea– ture?why do you fearethe Creature? Why do .you rejoyce in the Creatureimmediately as you do!' Bdoved,ifthere be nothing in the Creature, . but all be in him,we fhouid fee threugh thecrea– ture,we fl1ould lookc beyond it. It is thatwhich isfaidofs11ifack,z C!Jr~n.u. he was butthevid//." through which Gvds wrath was poured vpon lfrael~[oit was trueofCyuu,hewas·but theviall" ·throughwhich ·Gods goodneffe was poured vp:. .onJfr.ul.Ifyoudidlookevpon every man, vp• on every friend, and every enemie, vpon every Creature, as an infrrument of good or:hurt to· · you Tryals ofour belicfe ofGods · All{H/fititlltit; I Whether m terminate our · affections io God,orthe Greaturc.