Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P7 N4 1634

_1_6_4----'\ . ·0 F ·G 0 D s . you,as an emptievial!in·it fclfe, through which Godpoures eitherhis goodnes and mercy, or els his wrath, it would canfeyounotto fiicke Tpon :the Cn:.ature, nottowranglewithmen, notto. ;haternen,orto'beang~y with them: fort hey are .butthevia{ls: itwouldcaufe you againenor .to be proud ofthe friendfhipof men,. not to befe-. cure in them, not trufr in them, not to thinke yourfeluesfafein them :'forthey are but via!/.r,_ thrpugh which GodpJures his mercy, & good– neffe to wards you. · Looking to . God, will make vs quiet ia injuries frornmen. Conftder ·whether you be able to do thk Loo;keon David, whenN~Ga/fenthima rough anfwer,an untoward anfwer;hewasexceedingly, movedatit.V·lhensheinei didthe fame, yea, and to his face in afarre greater meaft1re, ·he was not' moved, what·was the reafon· of it, but becaufe~ when hetooked toNa!Jal, he forgat God, he faw: not God fetting Na&a! a-worke to giue fuch an: anfwer, he looked nofto Nt~bal as a vial!, ht1t' asifhe had beene the principall in the action in handrAAd therfore hewas ready to fly vp6him with impatience(as you know howangry'hewas: · with him) 'but when Shemei did curfe him, he· had reafon, (he thought) to be quiet; ~.Pd not_ in. the other cafe: ·becaufe he looked on Shemet as avial!: God(faith'he) hath 6id him doe- it, and • therefore he goes to 'Gvd, and not to shemei; Ifthou doe beleeue this All..._[uffciencie in God, and this emptineffe in the Creature, w'hy ar~ you nqtableto doe this, not to loue the.Cre~ture, norto terminate, I fay, your affe.d10ns in • f them,