Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P7 N4 1634

'! .. great reward~S-oGodexprelfeth himfelfe toAbra- , ham~ And this is the Covenimt on Gods part. Now.that,which·is-required on Avrahams part, is.that he betheLsrd.s,as theLordishis,forfoyou feein the words following. Thequefl:iononely is,}nwhat manner Abrabam£hall -be the Lords ; how that fhall bedeclared 1·Sayrh -he,It .lsnoran emptyrelat~on,butthoumull: fhew that thou art minebynMlking6eforeme.Andyetitmufrnot be I any.kindofw~lking b'efo~e.the Lord,but it mull:be !aperfec7w-alkzng.6ifore htm;Wdlke 6efore me,& 6e j perfi8~and therefore-it is ~dded; 1 willmake my I Covenant;rhat is:, this i~· the Covenant , of which j Circmncijionwas b~t a figne, for it was infHmred 1 prefenrly,as we fee m th(t words foHowing: ·' There are three efpeciaii poyms that we will gath~rourofthe words. D~a.t;· Doubtingof.·l GodJ ..40·fuffi• 'e~tde,th~ ' The firfl:is from the. connexi:on, andwe will Beginwith that,beca'ufei.tis ·apreparation to the · othenwo: In that theLordvfeth this-as anargu- ' menttoL/.1/Jrllham, 1amA!lfoffidmt, therefore Wa!keheforeme,and/;ethbuperftc1.; w:emay obferuethis ;that · Thecaufo of'illl departure from -God;Ofa!l :vn– . evenn1fo in our wttyes toward~ 'God, is from hence, that we do not thinkeGod to·be All·fuf fi.:cient .._ - aufeofde.. arture from • Goc:f,and of A' b. h" fid . .h' r f -11 . t;. . . vnevenwal-: · SOllt · eot er 1 e,t ecau1e.O a- our 1 tncert- . !ngwith !. ' j tieandpe~tfeC!neffi,arifethhence,that wed6eap- ,m. - prehend·him.tohe A11-fo.fjicient. Thi-s youfee e- " · videndy