Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P7 N4 1634

A L L.- s V l' F I c I E N c y~ videtly arifeth from the words; for thence is the force ofthe·Argument,htm A!l-fttfficient, there– forew·al/ee !Je(ore·me,&!x perfd1,. MyBeloved; it is evident, . th~t the caufe ofevery.mans -ke~ping offfromGod, the caufe of his unevenneffe. after ' he is·come into him, is from hence~ that men . thinke not G()dto be All~fufficient ·; for ifa man had enough inthe Lord, he would never·go out from him; but becaufe he wams fometh~ng, he defires fomething that 'is ·not in him,or he.feares' 'fomething,-thathethinkes·he cannot keepe off from him:hence it comes to paffethat he fl:eppes out fi·omGod, hegoeth out of the wayes of his Commandements. And therefore I fay ,thecaufe ofevery.mans ·departurefrom God,thecaufe of Asinthree pis keeping offfromGod, ,orof his vnevenneffe forts of men. in thewayes-ofGod,is from hence;tHat he thinks not GodtobeAll-fojficient;and this you fuaJlfee in three forts ofmen·.- Firfl:,there isageneration ofmen, that liue as ' w.itbout Godin the world, and thht looke not to.; I wards,that make c6fcience ofnothing, Such asp~r; and what is the reaRm C?fthat ~ ·but becctufe'they . forme nodu· thinke, they haue fufficient of their owne, and . tics-to God• . therfore they 1v.alkein their ownewayes, and fbnd upon their owne bettome, and they --Ioue them– felues;&-feruethemfelites·altogether:r and apply . notthernfeiues to the Lordat all '; and therefore whenfoever anyman is brought unto GoJ, the worke is,totake him offftom his owne bottom,, to.fhew him his owne infujfiiiencie in·himfelfe~ .and the emptineffe ofbimfelfe, & ofevery erea-. ~., B 3 ture, , ' ·• '