Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P7 N4 1634

A L L • s VF Fl c I E N c Y. cloth but !11ew you.the kindes ofPtofelfors)they were all fuch as profelfed thefoareoftheLord,that are there fpoken of;for we fee,theyhrMtghtforth – fruit,They receivedt~tWordwithjoy. What was the reafon thefeconagroundwas not perfe!twith theLord1 Becaufe they thcmght him nor tobe~ Buckler firong enough tobeare off all evilJs, . to beare offall perfecution. Vvhat wa~r the reafon ~ the thirdgrou11ddid it notrBecaufethey thought "there was fomething inriches;in pleafores,in di– vers lufls, that they could nor haueinthe L()ra, [o they departed from him: · Onely thefourth greund kept clofe, bec-aufethey did apprehend · I all tObe in theLordthat they defired, they did apprehend him to ··be (hong ·enough to deliver . 1 them from all things theyfeared . .. The third fort ofmen are fuch as,are regcne-· rate,which yet arefubjechomany flip~ and fals to many-turningsa fide: And the cai1fe ofall this is,thatthey apprehend hot ·Giidtobe A/1-_(ujfici~ ent. As for example, .what was the reafon that Ahrahamwhen he went downeintoElypt(being driven thither by reafon ofFamine) faved him~ felfe with a lye, faying that Sllrah ·was hi.s Sifler, and hot his wife':' but becaufe he thoughtGodwas notabletokeepe hi.m and defend him. Ifhe had thought bin~ to haue beene A Ufujficient, he would not haue done it. What was the reafon · thatMtljes when God[ent him on ameifageinto · .Egypt, wasfo backward to performeit1Brtt be- - caufe he thoughtthatthe "Lordwas not All-fojfi:, cient;Forhe hath two reafons why hewould not B 4 ' ooe·· ~ \ ' b . ' 7 Note. 3 Sttch as are regeNerate ; i Infhmcu. l